The first records of the cultivation and use of hemp come from China, where the species likely originated. People who migrated likely brought hemp to Europe, where it was widely distributed and cultivated for fiber in the 16th century. Hemp was also used for food, as the seed was cooked with barley or other grains. Soon after, hemp was found in Europe, Africa and South America, and hemp seeds and oil were used for ceramics and food.
The cultivation of hemp for fiber was recorded in China as early as 2800 BC and spread to the rest of Europe during the Middle Ages. It was planted in Chile in the 16th century and a century later in North America. Hemp, or industrial hemp, is a botanical class of Cannabis sativa cultivars that are specifically cultivated for industrial or medicinal use. It can be used to manufacture a wide range of products, such as paper, rope, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, paints, insulation, biofuels, food and animal feed. The oil obtained from hemp seed can be used to make paints, varnishes, soaps and edible oil with a low smoke point.
Hemp extracts fall under this definition, classifying hemp CBD as a Schedule I substance. In Jamestown, Virginia, hemp was brought from England and used to make ropes, candles and clothing.
Hemp plants
can be vulnerable to several pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, nematodes, viruses and other diverse pathogens. The Farm Bill legally separates hemp from marijuana and legalizes the cultivation of industrial hemp. It includes a 17 mg bottle of CBD oil, a bottle of 15 mg liquid capsules of CBD (consumed orally) and a mini hemp-infused skin balm. A court case between the Hemp Industries Association and the DEA permanently protects the sale of hemp food and seed-based personal care products in the United States. Despite this progress, hemp companies in the U.S. have struggled to expand due to challenges in traditional approaches to marketing and sales. These diseases rarely affect the performance of a hemp field so hemp production is not traditionally dependent on the use of pesticides. The government publishes a documentary in favor of hemp called Hemp for Victory which encourages farmers to grow hemp to support the war. American farmers are required by law to grow hemp as a staple crop and many of the founding fathers of the United States advocate for its benefits.Henry Ford builds an experimental body made of hemp fiber which is ten times stronger than steel.
Completed nine years later, the buildings were discovered to be one of the most technologically advanced structures made of hemp-based material.